What Comes After MVP – Taking the Next Steps

So, you’ve got the first version of your concept out in the wild – props to you! But now you might be scratching your head, wondering – what comes after MVP? Well, it’s time to untangle the next steps and take a journey from this bare-boned model to full-blown success.

After testing the waters with a minimum viable product, if it’s a hit, you move on to the MMP – a minimum marketable product, which is a more refined version aiming to capture a broader audience. Beyond this, there are the MMF (minimum marketable feature) and MLP (minimum lovable product) stages, each further refining the product and building a strong foundation for guaranteed success.

MVP Software Development Is Only the Start of the Journey

Once you’ve figured out your minimum viable product and gone through the MVP stages successfully, things are starting to look up. The available data is giving you the thumbs up, suggesting your idea has potential. So, the big question – what comes after the MVP product? Let’s take a look at all the possible outcomes and what they mean for the success of your product.

What Happens After MVP if the Product Turns Out to Be Unsuccessful?

Before we bring out the big guns, let’s talk about what comes after a minimum viable product turns out to be unsuccessful. If it’s not scratching the itch or sparking any excitement among potential customers, it’s surely a letdown.

But there’s a silver lining – the MVP did its thing. Armed with the feedback you got, you can always hit rewind and get back to the drawing board with the insights you’ve gathered.

People in public transport using phones
Once the initial stage is done, the big question is – what comes after an MVP?

MVP vs. MMP – The Difference Between Them Takes Your Product a Step Further

Fingers crossed, your MVP approach was an instant hit with the crowd. If the people are digging it and ready to drop some cash, it’s time to start planning the process post-MVP. Up next is the MMP, which is an abbreviation for a minimum marketable product.

If you’re wondering why take a pit stop here and not just sprint to the finish line of mobile app development? Here’s a fun fact – Dropbox zoomed to a million users in under a year, all thanks to its MMP. Moreover, they’re not the lone rangers – Uber, Airbnb, and Groupon all went through the same process – and look how they turned out!

MMP Is the Best Way to Figure Out if the Minimum Viable Product Is Marketable to a Wider Customer Base

An MVP is like a sneak peek into what customers are craving, while an MMP is your litmus test to see if the gig is worth the next big move. The previous stage provided you with a clearer picture of the necessary tweaks before unveiling to the big crowd, and now it’s time to make sure that you’ve got something that’s marketable and ready to release to a wider market.

The App Development Process Has Still Some Growing to Do

The big audience you’re aiming for next will be expecting a little extra than the early adopters. But remember, the MMP isn’t the final masterpiece – it’s still minimal and has the potential to grow. It’s gotta tackle a challenge the customers are facing, be user-friendly, and – cha-ching – have some earning potential. If you’ve got investors, they’ll be on the lookout for that golden touch in your MMP that sets you apart.

To nail that sweet spot, there’s a few key things to mull over:

Aspect What’s the Aim
Scalability Ensure that your MMP can handle the crowd size you’re aiming for
Performance Check how well your product performs with scalability in mind
Reliability Create a reliable product that’s true to its word

MMF, MLP, MDP, MAP – These Startup Stages Will Guide You Through the Rest of the Process

Alright, the alphabet soup of acronyms is still not done, but you’re nearing the finish line of your mobile or desktop application development. Here are the rest of the stages you need to tackle:

  • MMF (minimum marketable feature) – this is like the “must-have” bit in your product, the killer feature that users will love right off the bat,
  • MLP (minimum lovable product) – this is that bare minimum that gets everyone hooked, rather than just indifferently tolerating it,
  • MDP (minimum delightful product) – it’s like your product’s stripped-down, coolest version that gets people excited,
  • MAP (minimum awesome product) – it’s a product that’s not just practical but also packs some flashy features and top-notch performance.

Streamlining the Entire Process From MVP to MLP Enhances Your Chances of Success

Navigating seamlessly through the whole ordeal is akin to plotting the perfect course on a map. By fine-tuning each step and being mindful of common MVP mistakes, you’re essentially bolstering your path to success. It’s a proactive and thorough approach that ensures avoiding unnecessary pitfalls and setbacks on the way.

Market research illustration
It’s crucial to make sure you’re thorough every step of the way

An Experienced Mobile App Development Company Can Help You With What Comes After MVP

Are you having trouble navigating the wild ride of MVP software development and the stages that follow? There’s no need to worry – Juratech Solutions has got you covered. From rapid prototyping software development to a wide variety of mobile app development services, we’ve got the experience needed to turn that idea of yours into the next big thing. Contact us today, and let’s get this thing rolling!

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