TypeScript vs. JavaScript – Key Differences To Know

The developing world has become more and more demanding since there are many amazing programming languages to choose from. Although this isn’t a real problem, it can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to TypeScript vs. JavaScript. Let’s compare their main differences and help you decide which one to use for your next project.

What Is TypeScript?

TypeScript (TS) is an open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript (JS), meaning it adds additional features to the existing JavaScript language, most notably strong static typing.

Having these additional features, it is no wonder why more than just one mobile app development company prefers using TS. In fact, TS is ranked as the fourth most favored technology, garnering 73.46% popularity. Another statistic shows that 28% of developers reported consistent use of TS, and 11.1% of them indicated they always use JS.

A woman working on a computer
More than 30,000 live sites use TS

What Is JavaScript?

JS is an essential component of web browsers, enabling interactive web pages, and is thus a core part of web technologies alongside HTML and CSS. JS allows the creation of dynamic content, control of multimedia, animation images, and pretty much everything else that happens on a website.

JS continues to be a top choice among developers and a highly desired skill in the business world, as it is employed by 98.6% of all websites, maintaining its position as a prevalent language.

A developer working on a laptop computer with several monitors
JS is the most popular programming language among developers

TypeScript vs. JavaScript – Discover the Main Differences

When evaluating these two programming languages, the first thing we have to make clear is their definition. TS is an open-source programming language and a superset of JS. JS is a high-level, dynamic programming language widely used for both web and mobile app development. Now that this is clear, here are other key factors you should take into account.

Developers Community

TypeScript quickly gained popularity and has been adopted by numerous enterprises. The internet is full of tutorials and guides for learning what typescript is used for, supported by a notably active and engaged community.

In contrast, JS’s community isn’t as extensive as TS’s. Nonetheless, JS is known for its wide libraries, frameworks, and coding practices.

Learning Curve

TS, an extension of JS, requires a foundational knowledge of JS for coding. You’ll also need a clear understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Conversely, JS is a widely used and beginner-friendly scripting language.

It is commonly utilized alongside CSS and HTML for app web development. However, mastering HTML can be challenging due to its incorporation of event handling, web behaviors, animations, and scripting elements.


TypeScript provides features such as variable declaration, a type system, and a functional paradigm, which are absent in JS. Its syntax is similar to JScript and .Net, and it supports ECMAScript 2015 Standard features like modules, arrow function syntax, and classes.

While JavaScript also adheres to the ECMAScript standards, it differs in that it is not a typed language like TS. It incorporates numerous structured programming concepts from C, including do-while loops, switch statements, if statements, and others. Additionally, JavaScript supports an event-driven style and both functional and imperative programming approaches.


TS was developed to address the complexities encountered in large-scale applications using JS. This leads to more efficient development and time savings for developers. The primary distinction between TS and JS lies in the fact that TS code undergoes compilation into JS before its execution.

Tools and Frameworks

Backed by Microsoft, TypeScript boasts a wide array of prominent frameworks and editors. Its close integration with these editors allows for error detection during the compilation process, reducing runtime errors.

On the other hand, the market is abundant with JavaScript frameworks tailored for both front-end and back-end web development needs. This extensive ecosystem enjoys considerable popularity among developers. Frameworks like ReactJS, VueJS, and Angular are some of the most popular frameworks used for front-end web development.

Writing Code Language

JS operates with dynamic typing, while TS introduces the choice of strict static typing alongside dynamic typing. This makes TS more reliable but somewhat more complex to write, leading to earlier detection of errors during development. Ultimately, the choice between these languages depends on the nature of the project and your personal coding preferences.

A code on the computer's background
JS has been the most popular programming language for ten years in a row

When to Use TS vs. JS?

Whether you need web, mobile, or desktop application development, incorporating TS into your project could be beneficial, particularly if you’re tackling a substantial project with a large team. In this case, minimizing errors and ensuring code safety is crucial.

TS is a better option if you’re utilizing external libraries and frameworks that provide type definitions, simplifying the coding process. However, if your goal is to quickly develop a small-scale script or a personal project, JavaScript might be the more suitable choice. Consider setting up TypeScript in your project if you:

  • Are engaged in a significant project involving a big team, where the risk of errors is higher, and code reliability is essential.
  • Are leveraging external libraries and frameworks equipped with type definitions, which streamline the coding experience.
  • Have the willingness and time to learn TypeScript and apply it effectively in your work.

JavaScript vs. TypeScript – When JS Is a Better Solution?

JS’s versatility extends from front-end development to server-side scripting with technologies like Node.js. So, when is it a better option for you? Use JS if:

  • You’re focusing on a rapid script or a personal task where the goal is to minimize the amount of code written.
  • You prioritize the swift development of a project rather than its long-term maintenance and error prevention.
  • You haven’t acquired TS skills and lack the time to learn them.
A laptop computer on a table with a browser open
JS is most popular for web development

Juratech Solutions Can Help You With Both Programming Languages

This debate depends on various factors such as project size, team dynamics, and specific development requirements. While TypeScript offers robust typing and is suited for larger projects, JavaScript excels in quick scripting and smaller projects. Remember that Juratech Solutions can help you with desktop development, web and mobile app development services, and many other services you might need.

Contact us today for expert guidance and tailored solutions in navigating these technologies, and explore what we do. Our team of professionals is ready to assist you in making the most informed decision for your unique programming needs.

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