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"MVP mistakes" in a green background

Oct 13

Common MVP Mistakes That Happen When Building a Product

Plunging into the MVP development journey can be challenging at first. Arm yourself with knowledge through thorough research...

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Types of MVP title in a gray background

Oct 11

Types of MVP That You Can Find and Their Purpose

Brand new entrepreneurs start researching app development services and backend web development before they discover that, for a...

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An illustration of a development concept and "MVP stages" written on the left

Oct 10

From Idea to Product Development: All MVP Stages

If you have an innovative idea that you want to transform into a great product, you’re likely eager...

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Oct 9

Most Valuable Player or Minimum Viable Product – What Does MVP stand for in Development?

App development and developing a product is a very risky business, so let's figure out what does MVP...

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What is an MVP - image solution

Oct 5

What is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and What is Its Purpose?

App development is a very complicated and risky job. You can spend months, even years, developing the perfect...

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Jun 7

What programming language should you learn first?

Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsn gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aienean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum...

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Oct 6

7 najčešćih pitanja kod odabira poslovnog softvera

Pronalaženje odgovarajućeg softverskog rešenja nikako nije trivijalna stvar, stoga tom prilikom treba obratiti pažnju na veći broj faktora....

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Sep 29

5 razloga zbog kojih je bitno da vaša firma ima web prezentaciju

Nedavno ste osnovali kompaniju, okupili iskusan tim ljudi oko sebe i sa optimizmom krenuli u radne pobede. Ipak,...

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Sep 23

3 najčešća pitanja klijenata u vezi sa održavanjem informacionih sistema

Informacioni sistem, možda više nego bilo koji drugi, zahteva detaljno planiranje, odabir adekvatnih elemenata sistema, pravilnu implementaciju, a...

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